Monday, December 6, 2010

And....It's a MONDAY!!!!!!!

MONDAY. Monday. monday.... doesn't it make you cringe?? All of the fun of your weekend shattered by this day.   JUST KIDDING! Today is a new day, a day to do anything that you left unfinished at the end of last week, to see your friends (the ones you didn't have the pleasure of seeing over the weekend), and to start new projects for the week. 
     Honestly, though, it can be hard to look at it that way when the weekend was WAY TOO SHORT and sleep (precious, lovely sleep) didn't come as much as you planned. But that's okay because that's what makes looking forward to NEXT weekend so prospectful.....
Since it IS Monday, here are some things that might make you feel a little happier....


adj \və-ˈvā-shəs also vī-\

Definition of vivacious : lively in temper, conduct, or spirit 

vi·va·cious·ly adverb
vi·va·cious·ness noun
                                                                                      ( F ound on Mirriam Webster Online)
You now know everything there is to know about the meaning of the word vivacious. Which to me is one of the best words around.  Say it a few times.  There is something just absolutely EUPHORIC about it!!!!
2. There are only 18 more days (2 hours and 56 minutes) until CHRISTMAS!!!!! and who isn't extremely excited about that???? I know I am. There is so much joy spread at this time. Plus parties, food, AND PRESENTS?????? who could resist?
 3. I found this FREAKING AMAZING link on the homepage (it was featured today) as I was doing my daily web wandering (come on, we all do it).   It is a stocking stuffer guide for things that are totally rad (and most definitely wished for by that special someone, friend, or family member.) 
  So, what are you going to do now??? YOU ARE GOING TO CLICK ON THE LINK (pretty please) and see what the world of online stocking stuffer guides has for YOU (and anyone else for that matter!)

Well, See?   I told you that Monday's weren't all bad. So, until next time, or whenever... have a good rest of your Monday!!!!!!!  
                               aU rEvOiR & LoVe, MeGs <3

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